RKC had to borrow the funds from a generous caver in order to purchase the Sloans Valley Cave Preserve. Donations have repaid the loan, but more are still needed to provide the necessary funds to renovate the areas surrounding the entrances and to rebuild our Cave Acquisition Fund. Please keep caves available for our use and study by donating below to the RKC Loan Repayment Fund.
You can help by using your credit card or PayPal account to help us pay off our loan in one of two ways:
- A generous single-payment donation, or
- A monthly-recurring donation that is easier on your budget (you hardly notice it's there).
When you click the button below, you'll be given the opportunity to select either option.
In making a donation, please consider the sustaining, recurring Donation pledge. For about what a fast-food dinner costs a month ($10), you can make a big swing in our Cave Acquisition Fund for future land purchases to keep caves open and available to you. Indeed, this constant income can free up other resources for additional cave purchases, since RKC's Land Acquisition Fund has still not fully recovered from our previous purchase of the Skylight Preserve.
Recurring donors will receive a reward designed specifically for that level donation, once the debt is retired.
Recurring monthly donations should be at least $10, but more is better - $15, $25, $50 !!!
Whichever option you choose, before clicking the final confirmation on PayPal, please add a "Note to the Seller" that your donation is for the RKC Loan Repayment Fund.