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United States Embargo Act- December
22, 1807 The Embargo Act of 1807 was an American law prohibiting all export of cargo
from American ports. It was designed to force Britain to rescind its
restrictions on American trade, but failed, and was repealed in early 1809.
Specifically, the act prohibited American goods from being shipped to foreign
ports and all foreign vessels from taking cargo at American ports. Cargo for the
coastal trade had to be bonded at double value. Foreign imports were not banned,
but they mostly ceased because ships would have to return empty. It represented
President Thomas Jefferson's response to the United Kingdom's Orders in Council
(1807) and France's Continental System, which were severely hurting America's
merchant marines. Although it was designed to force the British and French to
change their commercial systems, neither country did, and the Act was repealed
in 1809. Be it enacted . . ., That an
embargo be, and hereby is laid on all ships and vessels in the ports
and places within the limits or jurisdiction of the United States,
cleared or not cleared, bound to any foreign port or place; and that
no clearance be furnished to any ship or vessel bound to such
foreign port or place, except vessels under the immediate direction
of the President of the United States: and that the President be
authorized to give such instructions to the officers of the revenue,
and of the navy and revenue cutters of the United States, as shall
appear best adapted for carrying the same into full effect:
Provided, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to
prevent the departure of any foreign ship or vessel, either in
ballast, or with the goods, wares and merchandise on board of such
foreign ship or vessel, when notified of this act. SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That during the continuance of
this act, no registered, or sea letter vessel, having on board
goods, wares and merchandise, shall be allowed to depart from one
port of the United States to any other within the same, unless the
master, owner, consignee or factor of such vessel shall first give
bond, with one or more sureties to the collector of the district
from which she is bound to depart, in a sum of double the value of
the vessel and cargo, that the said goods, wares, or merchandise
shall be relanded in some port of the United States, dangers of the
seas excepted, which bond, and also a certificate from the collector
where the same may be relanded, shall by the collector respectively
be transmitted to the Secretary of the Treasury. All armed vessels
possessing public commissions from any foreign power, are not to be
considered as liable to the embargo laid by this act. Article Submitted by Andy Niekamp RKC is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, non-profit corporation.