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Samuel Brown 1804 Letter Announcing
Purchase of Great Saltpetre Cave (Padgett, 1937b, p. 124)
Samuel Brown writes to his brother James: Lexington Novr. 10, 1804 Dear Brother To remain here inactive would have been as improper as to have gone without
any possible prospects of success -I have therefore formed a Partnership with Mr
Thos Hart purchased Kenkards [Kincaids] Salt Petre Cave & intend to go largely
into the Manufacture of that Article & of Gunpowder. Our prospects are very
flattering. We shall have 20 hands employed in the course of two weeks if we
meet with no accident & expect to make lb 1000 per day of Salt Petre which we
can exchange for half that quantity of Powder. We are offering to supply Govt &
Hope to obtain the Contract. In my present circumstances it would have been very
improper to have refused such offer as Mr Hart made You know his address, his
industry, & management If we are not disappointed this business will enable me
to enjoy your Society much sooner than I could do were I now to go in quest of a
settlement on the Missis[s]ippi. More of this in my next. In the mean time I beg
of you to endeavor to make some contracts for Powder. We can affored it at
37/100. Write to us if any contract offers -- John Clay can sound the Spanish
March! With affection to you both I am Sam Brown Source: The Saltpeter Empires of Great Saltpetre Cave and Mammoth Cave,
Angelo I. George, 2001 HMI Press RKC is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, non-profit corporation.