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Meeting Information

The Spring General Board Meeting will be Sunday, March 9, 2025, from 2:00 - 4:30PM (EST).
The meeting will be available both in-person and on-line. To attend virtually, click the link below for logon information.
New Location! The in-person meeting will be held at the St. Bernard Public Library in St. Bernard, Ohio. The address is 10 McClelland Ave, Cincinnati, OH (It is in the city of St. Bernard).

Can't attend the meeting in person? Want to attend the meeting remotely? Click Here for logon details.

Our recent creation of the RKC Legacy Endowment Fund is exciting and hopeful for the future. We have to work together to grow this Fund to ensure we have the resources to make RKC reach its goals! We cannot do this alone, we need all stakeholders to join in this effort, this also includes serving on the Board and getting involved in other ways to keep RKC moving forward.

Attending a meeting is the first step! If you want to know what is going on, have input, etc., attend a meeting!

RKC generally holds four board meetings each year. The installation of newly-elected Directors and the election of Officers take place at the Spring General meeting. Although only the Directors may vote on motions at the board meetings, all members and interested parties are welcome and encouraged to attend board meetings. Your input will be encouraged at the meetings. Bring a friend!

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Graphic Art Assistance by Robert Coomer