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Source: The NSS Archives

Note: The document is undated but appears to be written between September 21 and October 26, 1990

During the Tennessee convention in 1989 there was considerable talk about the acquisition of Great Saltpetre Cave by one of the Ohio grottos. We note that a management committee for the cave met September 21, 1990, and made a number of management decisions. They are reproduced here and the local management committee is invited to provide updates as they occur:

Vandalism Several methods shall be employed to attempt to prevent vandalism of the cave and the adjacent property. A better lock system will be installed which requires reaching inside the cave to unlock the lock. This may prevent further cutting with clippers. A cable will be placed on the upper drive to the cave and on the main drive entrance. John Heist will attempt to have these materials donated. "No Trespassing" signs will be posted at three locations on the property and within the cave itself. D. Heist will try to get an estimate on the cost of these signs if we cannot find a sign painter in the grottos. Improvement of the cave gate itself would help to deter entry. Ron Crawford is currently studying the Cave Gating manual of the NSS and once the design is determined an appeal for donations of materials will be made. The greatest single most deterrent to vandalism was identified as the rental of the property.

Rental The cost of $50 per month was determined with certain duties included by the tenant (i.e., check locks, cut grass, etc.). A notice will be placed in the area stores and restaurants. An ad will run in the local papers. Gary O'Dell will compose the ad. Hans Lindblom will be the contact person, as he lives in the area.

Electric Bills The electric bills have been paid for by Alan Watts of GCG and Hans Lindblom of BGG. They have been much higher than expected because of the forgetfulness of cavers who use the cave lights and do not turn them out. In the future these will not be allowed without the permission of the Management Committee. They have been disabled. A suggestion was made to ask for a donation fee of $15 to use the lights for the entire cave and $5 to light the big room. The purpose of the donation is to cover the cost of the electricity. Gary O'Dell will check into the cost of obtaining wire to rewire the electric with more efficient wiring to the big room. The other electricity will be disconnected if this is done.

Tax Exempt Status The GSP Cave Management has now obtained tax exempt status. Donations are now deductible on income tax.

Funding Several methods were discussed for the funding of GSP. A jug will be brought to each grotto meeting. Campers who have used the property will be requested to place their donations in the jug. The committee will also sponsor selling a supporting membership fund called the "friends of the cave." A card will be issued to members. Gary O'Dell will put this together. We have been requested to have a display for OVR at annual grotto-sponsored functions. We will have a donation bucket at this display. In the future all individual and grotto donations will be published in the committee minutes. We will also appeal to the Felburn Foundation for the cost of improving the gate. At the First Reunion of the Cleanup of GSP we will have a raffle on caving items.

Camping Donation The expected donation per night is $1 for primitive and $2 per night if electricity is used. Any donations in excess of these amounts would be greatly appreciated.

1990 Improvements to GSP: During the year the following improvements were accomplished:
- addition of 2 toilets
- mowing of the grass/weeds to improve access
- 3 additional fire rings
- cleanup of trash around the campground and shelter house
- pines planted around the shelter house
- built 3 picnic tables
- patching and painting of the house
- other house improvement

There may have been others in addition to the above.

Cave/Camping Regulations: The following rules/regulations were developed to assure protection of the cave and adjacent property:
1. No open fires except in the rings.
2. No camping in the cave.
3. All trash is to be removed upon departure.
4. Camping should take place in the valley floor. It is permitted in the ticket house.
5. Furnish your own toilet paper and put lime in the toilet.
6. No vehicles of any kind may enter the cave without the authorization of the committee.
7. No fireworks, firearms, carbide cannons, etc. may be ignited and/or fired in the cave.
8. No fires are to be built in the cave.
9. No artifacts can be removed from the cave.
10.There will be no activities in the cave other than caving without the authorization of the caving committee. All visitors to the property or cave are expected to abide by the above regulations.

Help Needed There is a need for helpers to maintain the property and to make needed improvements. Please contact a member of the committee if you are interested in becoming involved in the project. A list of needed items for repairs may periodically be announced at a meeting or in the E[lectric] C[aver].

Annual Open House The first annual open house will take place on May 11, 1991. This is to assure the local residents that GSP is still available for their use. There will be displays with pictures of the activities and of the cave, perhaps a saltpetre demonstration, flashlight tours, pamphlets on the history of GSP, etc. We are looking for volunteers to help plan and implement this event. We also would like input on what to offer the local residents.

GSP Anniversary Get-Together and Cleanup On October 26, 27, and 28, there will be a meeting in the field for GSP. We hope to accomplish many needed projects and cleanup the area.

Insurance The payment was due and paid for the amount of $750.

Scanning and OCR work done by Andy Niekamp

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